Ode to Alpha

Ode to Alpha

For the last two weeks, we have been talking about transforming our writing by adding our personal stories, feelings, and experiences. As a final product, each students wrote an Ode poem about something in nature, someone they love, or something that they feel very strongly about.

Here are some of the other writing techniques that the students said would make their poetry writing even better:
> proper conventions – spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization
> details – descriptive words, 5 senses, good word choice
> Interesting
> Focused on one topic
> Shares Evokes emotion
> Figurative language – metaphor and simile
> Onomatopoeia
> Alliteration

We are proud to share our odes with you! Enjoy!

47 Responses »

  1. Ode To Horses

    Whoosh! Thundering hooves
    A wind filled gust
    Crushing the plants
    Kicking up dust

    Onto a golden coat
    The sun casts a golden glow
    The coat shines very bright
    And has a beautiful flow

    A black coat
    Can be very sneaky
    And in the day
    They might be sleepy

    Some chocolate horses
    Love the mud
    It is not fun because
    They have to take a bath when they are done

    A white horse looks
    Like it is covered in snow
    Sometimes they have
    To plow the snow, though

    As they stop to
    Munch on grass
    They crush the grass
    They have so much mass

    They also roam
    To find some water
    They step on in
    And it makes their coat softer

    Streaming mane
    Flying tail
    Traveling through
    A rainy veil

    Sometimes-(It’s true)-
    They get captured
    And the people
    Force them in the trailer backward

    The leaders are the stallion
    And the lead mare
    There are also a few foals
    And a bunch of mares

    Some are domesticated
    Some are free
    Every horse wants
    To be free, you see

    Du, The valley, du, echo’s, du
    With thundering
    hoo-du-ves as, du, horses, du
    go gall-du-ping

    As the horses run
    The wind can’t even
    Keep up with them
    As they run with their herds of more than 11

    The palomino
    With it’s sunny coat
    Flashes by
    With a winter coat

    The appaloosa
    With it’s dots
    Can blend in
    To some things with those spots

    Arabian colors
    are mostly white
    I like to call them
    White knights

    The bay is usually a
    Beautiful brown
    Because of their color
    They are run down

    Greys are grey
    No matter what goes
    But sometimes they
    Have a dappled coat

    Now you can see
    How marvelous horses are
    They are my favorite animal
    By far

    • Ber143 ,I loved it. It was the best i’ve read. I liked how you rhymed & discribe the diferent types of colors of the horses & compared them to somehting or tell what they did.

  2. Earth Ode

    Not a valley or a tree
    It’s teeming with life you see.
    Rabbits hopping one by one.
    Wolfs hunting in the morning sun.
    Gracefull birds dancing in the tree.
    Or a bear with disgrace and creed.
    Over the creek theirs a montain.
    But you might just go arround it.
    At night youll hear a creepy howl.
    Youl maybe think its an owl.
    Its earth you see not a valley or a tree.
    It’s for you and me.


    • hey typer57! Your blog is wonderful. I like how you were able to rhyme this because you have these very descriptive words that are kind of hard to rhyme. The effort you put in to this was a very strong and I loved it.

    • Typer57, wow that was amazing.
      I absolutely loved the description you used, like the part when you said graceful birds dancing in the tree! Great job. You used quality word choice. Great job!

    • I love how you use earth as a subgoct. It goes to gather like a buterfly with its wings.I like how you use humans and anamals.

      Any way good luck with the next Ode!!!!!!!!!

  3. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vVZyAuA3MI0iyrOzq

    Winnie the Cat

    When Winnie my cat walked down the hall,
    I would hear the pitter patter.

    Each and every night Winnie would,
    Crawl up next to me on my bed.

    Winnie would wake me up with her fuzzy tail,
    Swaying in my face. Her tail tickled my nose.

    I can still feel her soft gentle,
    Hair against my body.

    In pictures I see,
    My little face shine a bright smile.
    With Winnie right next to my side.

    Winnie was my best friend.
    Winnie was part of my family.

    Even though we don’t have her with us,
    I still have memories.

    • I love how you used so many descriptive words at one time. It made your poem so amazing! I especially love the last part!

    • We do have great memories about Winnie. Abby and Andrew can not replace Winnie, but we are having great times with them. Love ya lots, Mom

  4. http://vocaroo.com/?media=v4h66wlDe5yskGEta

    Mustang Ode Poem

    Slick &
    Fast & furious
    That’s the way I see you,
    Racing across the medow,
    Trying to beat the moon.
    With your bright thinking,
    You dodge rocks & trees,
    Along with
    A wolf right at your side,
    But when your hooves
    Trembled like thunder
    The wolf darts off.
    You froze,
    The race with the moon,
    & Played tag with the wolf.
    With you at his heels,
    He trembles with fear,
    Barely staggering along.
    Once the wolf was out of sight,
    You went right back
    With the game of case
    With the moon.

  5. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vhFGKosktUJBESc5h

    Water: An Ode

    The water rushes and races.

    The little otters go along with the current.

    The children splash and thrash around in the rocks.

    The fish swim and jump in the crystal clear water.

    The powerful water pelts rock sand against the land.

    The clean water drips off the children the sun sets on the river.

  6. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vVCplSh28ss2bcnVu


    Immersed in the pages, o book, o book
    Belching phrases, o book, o book

    Conjuring up images, o book, o book
    Obsessed in the story, o book, o book

    I recoil in fear, o book, o book
    When creepy things come, o book, o book

    The smell of old pages, o book, o book
    Reaches my nose, o book, o book

    An adventurous story, o book, o book
    Perilous predicaments, o book, o book

    I flip through the pages, o book, o book
    Before my eyes, time flies

  7. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vrNVO1RX15pk1SCCP

    Roller coasters

    Roller coasters tall and fast they feel like a blast.
    Launched like the speed of light with a huge flight.
    Suspended swinging back and forth.
    They are strange and weird.
    I love the inverted flips and turns.
    Steel coasters are the best of all the rest.
    They smell taste and feel like the sour wind.
    The looks are vibrant and the coaster is loud.
    That is why I love roller coasters.

  8. Space

    Space, Space, fast and free
    You’ll be awed by the beauty
    Secrets held and secrets hold
    Space- Mysterious, dark and bold

    Asteroids zipping all around
    They clash, a big booming sound
    Planets, planets, bleak and cold
    Unexplored and truly old

    Stars twinkling all the time
    Tiny suns that freely shine
    Delicate rings surrounding Saturn
    Make a sleek and rhythmic pattern

    Gradually, the lights go out
    Here comes the sun, there is no doubt
    Close you eyes and you will see
    Space’s natural and exotic beauty

  9. Soccer
    Kids running and playing
    Yelling laughing and tiring
    Parents cheering us on
    Whoohoo the ball goes into the net

    The referee whistles
    It”s time for a break
    We go to drink water
    Our breathes very heavy

    Then get back on the field
    All sweaty and excited
    We’re jumping with joy
    Enjoying what we’re doing

    Like a pack of cheetahs
    Running to it’s prey
    We now have possession

    The referee whistles again
    We are on our last break
    It’s tied 2 to 2
    Aiming to get a goal

    I kick
    My most powerful ever
    It blows in the net
    The goalie is shocked

    We scream
    The crowd is cheering
    We did it
    We won


  10. Hey! I just thought of a new poem!


    Rushing over smooth stones
    Turning and churning over bends
    Thundering falls clawing at rocks
    Beautiful lakes full and clear

    Twisting rivers and running streams
    Algae and lilly pads float along
    Singing a song, the turtles paddle
    Rainbow trout swim upstream

    Banks and shores, smooth and clean
    Natural caves are mysterious
    Fresh water, salt water, still the same
    Water is frothing white

    Fantastic swimmers, the fish play
    Fantastic hoppers, the frogs jump
    Fantastic divers, the loons hunt
    Fantastic water, the water sits

  11. Math
    Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
    Are just the basics of math.
    Algebra, variables, squares, and cubes
    Are just some much harder facts.
    Competitive mathmeticians will thrive
    In calculus too.
    As you can see, math is a very important
    Thing to do.

  12. Family

    family is always there

    Your parents tuck you into bed
    your younger siblings wants to play

    On Thanksgiving everyone says they are thankful they have you and on Christmas everyone says they are thankful they have you and then on Christmas the treeis overflowing with presents

    Even though you already no they say it everyday “Your special and I love you.” you say “I love you, too.”

    You wonder why they say it everysingle day but it doent matter because it’s true that they love you and you lovethem too

    Link :

  13. My Aunt

    My aunt so strong and brave
    As she sits in her car
    With her precious baby


    Someone pulls straight out in front of her
    Her car flipping over and over
    The baby screaming
    She’s screaming

    She’s thinking, whats going on?
    It’s all a dream?

    She hears the sirens coming closer
    It’s ok she explained to her baby
    They get out of the car
    She’s so dizzy

    Both of my aunts arms, completely broken
    Not even a scratch on the baby

    My aunt so strong and brave

    • Wow! That’s a great poem, even though it’s very sad. Like the other poem I commented on, I loved the way you used something emotional to make your poem amazing. I enjoyed all the descriptive words and how it felt powerful. You did a great job and I loved reading this poem.

  14. I love the details in this ode it makes me feel like i saw the hole thing it is very sad but makes me happy at the same time. You did a great job it was amazing.

  15. Soccer

    Physical and sweaty
    Lot of running
    Very tiring
    Heart racing
    Sweat dripping
    Kicking and slid tackling
    Drinking Gatorade
    Rubbing ice allover
    Getting back on the field
    Defending the attacker
    Faking out the defenders
    Nervous and Shoots
    In the top corner nervous not to score
    Scoring and celebrating
    Winning 1-0
    Celebrating with a trophy
    Winning the tournament
    Tacking off cleats
    Than putting on Crocs
    Relaxing in the car on the way home
    Getting McDonalds after
    Feeling refreshed


  16. Joy fills throughout my body when I sacrifice my taste buds

    The sour ones taste bitter the ripe ones taste sweet

    When blueberries are frozen I feel a little tingling in my teeth blueberry’s also, taste like ice cream delicious and sweet

    Blueberries remind me of when I wake up and see a bright blue sky shining in my eyes when I feel blueberry’s brighten up my mood


  17. Small eggs from Salmon
    Lay on the river bottom
    When spring time approaches
    Something wriggles
    An eye appears
    Out comes a small salmon
    The water is filled with baby salmon
    Past the current
    Past the falls
    O no one more big one
    And into the big blue
    There they grow
    Feeding on shrimp and krill
    When they’re big they return
    Up the river
    Over the falls
    And into the calm pool where they were born
    They lay eggs and die.
    But they did it to give life.


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